Verschwende keine Zeit mit seltenen Wörtern
Lerne Sprachen schneller mit KI und Inhalten, die du liebst
Nutze Musik, Podcasts und Artikel, die dir gefallen, um Fähigkeiten aufzubauen. Unsere KI hebt die wichtigsten Wörter hervor, damit du dich auf das Wesentliche konzentrierst.
Warum Podglot?
Lerne 5x schneller
Lerne zuerst häufige Wörter
Wir empfehlen Wörter, die im täglichen Leben häufig verwendet werden, damit du keine Zeit mit selten verwendeten Vokabeln verschwendest
Verwende Inhalte, die du liebst
Lade Musik, Podcasts oder Artikel hoch, die dir gefallen. Lernen geht schneller und das Behalten ist besser, wenn du Spaß hast
Wörter zur richtigen Zeit wiederholen
Unsere Karteikarten erinnern dich daran, bevor du vergisst, unter Verwendung von spaced repetition
KI-Tutor an deiner Seite
Erhalte Erklärungen und Audio für neue Wörter oder schwierige Phrasen, damit du nie stecken bleibst
Wie es funktioniert
Dein Weg zum Sprachenlernen
Wähle Inhalte, die du magst
Lade jede Audiodatei hoch, wie Podcasts oder Musik, die dir gefällt, und verwandle sie in ein KI-gestütztes Sprachenlernerlebnis
Automatische Transkription und Übersetzung
Unsere KI generiert Transkripte in deinen Ziel- und Muttersprache und hebt Wörter hervor, die du noch nicht kennst
Karteikarten mit spaced repetition
Wir verwandeln diese Schlüsselwörter in Karteikarten, die du über die Zeit hinweg wiederholst, um das Behalten zu verbessern
Verbessere deinen Wortschatz
Während du jedes Wort lernst, fügt das System neue Wörter nach Priorität hinzu, damit du dich zuerst auf Wörter mit hoher Wirkung konzentrierst
Wähle den Plan, der zu dir passt
- Lehrplan hochladen
- Berichte über den Fortschritt der Schüler
- LMS- und SIS-Integration
- Anpassung und Branding
- Kontaktiere uns für weitere Informationen
Kontaktiere uns
Perfekt für Bildungseinrichtungen
- Unbegrenzter KI-Text
- 100 KI-Sprachgenerierungen/Tag
- 50MB Upload-Limit/Tag
- Karteikarten mit spaced repetition
- KI-Untertitel für Audio
Jetzt starten
Perfekt für Einzelpersonen
Was unsere Benutzer über uns sagen
Podglot's language tools are amazing! I can chat with my friends from all over the world without any issues.The real-time translation and vocab features are super cool. Totally recommend it!
Alex Rivera
Language enthusiast from Boston
Podglot's flashcards are a game-changer. My Spanish has improved so much.I've remembered so many new words! Definitely worth trying.
Samantha Lee
College student from California
As someone learning English, Podglot has been super helpful. The pronunciation guides and daily practice sessions keep me motivated.I can now confidently order food and chat with locals in English! Perfect for beginners like me.
Nguyen Van Minh
English learner from Vietnam
Podglot's language tools are amazing! I can chat with my friends from all over the world without any issues.The real-time translation and vocab features are super cool. Totally recommend it!
Alex Rivera
Language enthusiast from Boston
Podglot's flashcards are a game-changer. My Spanish has improved so much.I've remembered so many new words! Definitely worth trying.
Samantha Lee
College student from California
As someone learning English, Podglot has been super helpful. The pronunciation guides and daily practice sessions keep me motivated.I can now confidently order food and chat with locals in English! Perfect for beginners like me.
Nguyen Van Minh
English learner from Vietnam
Podglot's language tools are amazing! I can chat with my friends from all over the world without any issues.The real-time translation and vocab features are super cool. Totally recommend it!
Alex Rivera
Language enthusiast from Boston
Podglot's flashcards are a game-changer. My Spanish has improved so much.I've remembered so many new words! Definitely worth trying.
Samantha Lee
College student from California
As someone learning English, Podglot has been super helpful. The pronunciation guides and daily practice sessions keep me motivated.I can now confidently order food and chat with locals in English! Perfect for beginners like me.
Nguyen Van Minh
English learner from Vietnam
Podglot's language tools are amazing! I can chat with my friends from all over the world without any issues.The real-time translation and vocab features are super cool. Totally recommend it!
Alex Rivera
Language enthusiast from Boston
Podglot's flashcards are a game-changer. My Spanish has improved so much.I've remembered so many new words! Definitely worth trying.
Samantha Lee
College student from California
As someone learning English, Podglot has been super helpful. The pronunciation guides and daily practice sessions keep me motivated.I can now confidently order food and chat with locals in English! Perfect for beginners like me.
Nguyen Van Minh
English learner from Vietnam
I recommend Podglot to all my students. The interactive exercises and natural conversations help them learn Spanish naturally.My students love practicing with native speakers! It's a fantastic learning tool.
Maria Garcia
Spanish teacher from Madrid
Learning French with Podglot has been fun and effective. The gamification keeps me engaged.I've gone from zero to having basic conversations in just months! Great for self-study.
David Chen
High school student from Toronto
I love how Podglot helps me learn English at my own pace. The listening exercises are especially helpful.I can now understand my favorite English movies without subtitles!
Tran Thi Mai
English learner from Vietnam
I recommend Podglot to all my students. The interactive exercises and natural conversations help them learn Spanish naturally.My students love practicing with native speakers! It's a fantastic learning tool.
Maria Garcia
Spanish teacher from Madrid
Learning French with Podglot has been fun and effective. The gamification keeps me engaged.I've gone from zero to having basic conversations in just months! Great for self-study.
David Chen
High school student from Toronto
I love how Podglot helps me learn English at my own pace. The listening exercises are especially helpful.I can now understand my favorite English movies without subtitles!
Tran Thi Mai
English learner from Vietnam
I recommend Podglot to all my students. The interactive exercises and natural conversations help them learn Spanish naturally.My students love practicing with native speakers! It's a fantastic learning tool.
Maria Garcia
Spanish teacher from Madrid
Learning French with Podglot has been fun and effective. The gamification keeps me engaged.I've gone from zero to having basic conversations in just months! Great for self-study.
David Chen
High school student from Toronto
I love how Podglot helps me learn English at my own pace. The listening exercises are especially helpful.I can now understand my favorite English movies without subtitles!
Tran Thi Mai
English learner from Vietnam
I recommend Podglot to all my students. The interactive exercises and natural conversations help them learn Spanish naturally.My students love practicing with native speakers! It's a fantastic learning tool.
Maria Garcia
Spanish teacher from Madrid
Learning French with Podglot has been fun and effective. The gamification keeps me engaged.I've gone from zero to having basic conversations in just months! Great for self-study.
David Chen
High school student from Toronto
I love how Podglot helps me learn English at my own pace. The listening exercises are especially helpful.I can now understand my favorite English movies without subtitles!
Tran Thi Mai
English learner from Vietnam
Learning Italian on Podglot has been a joy. The cultural notes and authentic content make the experience so immersive.I'm actually living in Italy while learning! Can't wait for my trip to Rome.
Pablo Morales
Language enthusiast from Argentina
Podglot helped me prepare for my medical residency in the US. The medical terminology section is fantastic.I feel much more confident speaking with patients in English now. Perfect for professional development.
Fatima Ahmed
Medical student from Egypt
The bite-sized lessons fit perfectly into my busy schedule. I practice during my commute every day.My English has improved so much that I got promoted at work! Really practical and effective.
Nguyen Thanh Tung
English learner from Vietnam
Learning Italian on Podglot has been a joy. The cultural notes and authentic content make the experience so immersive.I'm actually living in Italy while learning! Can't wait for my trip to Rome.
Pablo Morales
Language enthusiast from Argentina
Podglot helped me prepare for my medical residency in the US. The medical terminology section is fantastic.I feel much more confident speaking with patients in English now. Perfect for professional development.
Fatima Ahmed
Medical student from Egypt
The bite-sized lessons fit perfectly into my busy schedule. I practice during my commute every day.My English has improved so much that I got promoted at work! Really practical and effective.
Nguyen Thanh Tung
English learner from Vietnam
Learning Italian on Podglot has been a joy. The cultural notes and authentic content make the experience so immersive.I'm actually living in Italy while learning! Can't wait for my trip to Rome.
Pablo Morales
Language enthusiast from Argentina
Podglot helped me prepare for my medical residency in the US. The medical terminology section is fantastic.I feel much more confident speaking with patients in English now. Perfect for professional development.
Fatima Ahmed
Medical student from Egypt
The bite-sized lessons fit perfectly into my busy schedule. I practice during my commute every day.My English has improved so much that I got promoted at work! Really practical and effective.
Nguyen Thanh Tung
English learner from Vietnam
Learning Italian on Podglot has been a joy. The cultural notes and authentic content make the experience so immersive.I'm actually living in Italy while learning! Can't wait for my trip to Rome.
Pablo Morales
Language enthusiast from Argentina
Podglot helped me prepare for my medical residency in the US. The medical terminology section is fantastic.I feel much more confident speaking with patients in English now. Perfect for professional development.
Fatima Ahmed
Medical student from Egypt
The bite-sized lessons fit perfectly into my busy schedule. I practice during my commute every day.My English has improved so much that I got promoted at work! Really practical and effective.
Nguyen Thanh Tung
English learner from Vietnam
Podglot is my go-to app for learning new languages before my trips. The travel-focused vocabulary is super useful.I can now have basic conversations in 5 different languages! Perfect for travelers.
Emma Wilson
Travel blogger from Australia
Learning English with Podglot made my transition to studying abroad much easier.The conversation practice really boosted my confidence. Great for international students.
Yuki Tanaka
Exchange student from Japan
The audio lessons have really helped improve my pronunciation. I love practicing with native speakers.People can understand me much better now! A great way to learn naturally.
Le Thi Hong
English learner from Vietnam
Podglot is my go-to app for learning new languages before my trips. The travel-focused vocabulary is super useful.I can now have basic conversations in 5 different languages! Perfect for travelers.
Emma Wilson
Travel blogger from Australia
Learning English with Podglot made my transition to studying abroad much easier.The conversation practice really boosted my confidence. Great for international students.
Yuki Tanaka
Exchange student from Japan
The audio lessons have really helped improve my pronunciation. I love practicing with native speakers.People can understand me much better now! A great way to learn naturally.
Le Thi Hong
English learner from Vietnam
Podglot is my go-to app for learning new languages before my trips. The travel-focused vocabulary is super useful.I can now have basic conversations in 5 different languages! Perfect for travelers.
Emma Wilson
Travel blogger from Australia
Learning English with Podglot made my transition to studying abroad much easier.The conversation practice really boosted my confidence. Great for international students.
Yuki Tanaka
Exchange student from Japan
The audio lessons have really helped improve my pronunciation. I love practicing with native speakers.People can understand me much better now! A great way to learn naturally.
Le Thi Hong
English learner from Vietnam
Podglot is my go-to app for learning new languages before my trips. The travel-focused vocabulary is super useful.I can now have basic conversations in 5 different languages! Perfect for travelers.
Emma Wilson
Travel blogger from Australia
Learning English with Podglot made my transition to studying abroad much easier.The conversation practice really boosted my confidence. Great for international students.
Yuki Tanaka
Exchange student from Japan
The audio lessons have really helped improve my pronunciation. I love practicing with native speakers.People can understand me much better now! A great way to learn naturally.
Le Thi Hong
English learner from Vietnam